What is DNS?

Think of the Domain Name System (DNS) as the Internet’s contact list. When you want to visit a website, like amazon.com or espn.com, you type its name into your web browser.

However, the internet doesn’t understand words like we do; it uses unique numerical codes called Internet Protocol (IP) addresses to locate and connect to websites.

DNS is like a translator that converts these domain names into IP addresses, enabling your browser to access the website you want to visit.

Every device that connects to the Internet, like your smartphone or laptop, is assigned a unique IP address. This address is used by other computers to locate your device on the vast network of the Internet.

DNS servers help us avoid having to remember complicated IP addresses, which can be a series of numbers like in the older IPv4 system, or a mix of numbers and letters like 2607:f8b0:4005:805::200e in the newer and more complex IPv6 system.

This makes navigating the Internet much simpler and more user-friendly.


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